11 de marzo de 2015

Can we freeze this moment?

On moments like this I will like time to just stop. 

Today has been one of those (few) days when the only thing I can do for him to fall sleep is snuggling with him in bed and pretend I'm sleeping too. 

But who am I lying... I love it! He is growing so fast that I feel I'm loosing my baby to time. He already stop breastfeeding, he already allows his daddy to rock him to sleep, he feeds himself 95% of the time, he almost drinks from a cup without a lid by himself and getting more independent each day that when he needs me to fall asleep, I really don't complain. I just love it! 

I wish I could stop time to keep him like this. But I do recognize I love watching him grow and learn new thigs each day. For the moment I'll keep enjoying this moment and save it in my heart forever. 

With love, Marcia 

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