19 de febrero de 2015

Nomination for the Liebster Award

So this is another post I'll write in English and from the computer (that means I'm really taking my time here LOL).

So the Liebster Award as I understand it is kind of a recognition chain of random questions you ask to other bloggers you like or admire. Since this is the first time I've ever been nominated (doing a happy dance) I had to investigate what is this about, read the rules and what to do once you are nominated... so here it goes, I'm hoping to do this right. =D

I want to thank my friend Amanda, from Poppies and Ice Cream, for nominating me. It's such an honor and I was really surprised when I was getting updated on your posts and I found my name among the lists of your nominees. Thank you!

So her questions were the following:

1. If you could live anywhere in the World, where would that be?
Uff, this is a hard one! My husband and I talk about this sometimes, and my first answer is always NEW YORK! I simply love this city. But then, I think it is very noisy, winters are sooooo cold, and I rather live near the beach. So then I go back to St. Marteen. We went there as part of our honey moon trip, and I just fell in love with this little island. But then again I think Barcelona would be a perfect combination of living in a big glamorous city and near the beach. I suppose that would be my choice.

2. Have you ever felt any city in the world pull you, even though you did not know it before or had any ties with said city before? Yes, well there are several cities I just love. New York is one of them, my favorite in the world (so far) but, when I went to Barcelona I also loved it! It has everything I like. If I could, I would go there all the time. But one city that also "calls me" is DC even though I have "ties" with the city, since I have family living there. But two places where I feel I belong are Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. I have no ties there, and I have gone there more than 3 times in my lifetime, and I just feel the need of going back. I love how these cities feel, I love walking through the streets, I love the colors, I love the food, I just love these places.

3. Which is your favorite book or author? 
My favorite author I would say is Jane Austen. I have read 3 of her novels (Pride and Prejudice, Emma and I'm reading right now Sense and Sensibility) I love how she exposes the troubles of her society back then and how in real life she was so brave as to confront them. At least, thats my opinion of her. I watch all the movies that have to do something either with her or with her books. I think I should have been born at that time, obviously in the rich and noble society she portraits. But my favorite book is Like water for chocolate. I read the book in just a couple of hours. I cried, I laughed, I just got into the book in such a way that you feel you are living everything the author is writing.

4. Do you have a pet? 
My idea of a pet is a rock, so no, I don't have pets. =D

5. What would be an ideal day for you? What would you do on such a day?
Actually today was pretty awesome.  Since I became a mom, my days are really busy, and far from perfect (although, they are perfect in their imperfections, since me and my kid are unique and I just love how we relate) But I have in my mind that if this or that changed then it would be ideal. So today was closer to the idea I have in my head of a perfect or ideal day. So my ideal day as a mom, would be similar to today, where we can have time to play outside, have a long nap so I can have time to clean and do house chores and also a bit of me-time.

6. What do you do? Study? Work? Raise pandas? 
I am a stay at home mom. I worked several years as a teacher, since that is what I studied for (well part of) so I'm really enjoying this part of my life dedicated to my family. We always talked about this, that when having children I would stay home with them until they go to school, then I would go back to work (at school) and we would go together. But for now, I'm at home raising my kid and taking care of my husband and the house chores. But I also have starting thing (I cant call it business yet, since I do it mainly for fun and to feel I contribute something to the house) I crochet, bake and do handmade products and sell them among friends and people who get to know what I do and ask for it.

7. Tell me where you ate the best ice-cream in your life.
So far, in Croatia. Dubrovnik to be exact. It is a small ice shop in front of the main fountain entering the old city, inside the walls. I was 20 weeks pregnant and it was a very hot day, but the flavor and texture was amazing. I ate apple flavored ice cream.

8. What is your favorite museum (or sight)? 
My favorite museum is the Museum of American History in DC, as part of the Smithsonian Museums. I also liked the Holocaust Museum in DC too, and also there the Spy Museum. I also like the Anne Frank's House in Amsterdam. And my favorite sight is in Leuven, and it is in the Hortus Botanicus in the city. There is a beautiful japanese tree, which I don't remember the name, but it blossoms amazingly. You can sit there for hours and just meditate or wander in your own thoughts.

9. What has been your favorite trip/ place you have ever visited? 
I enjoy travelling and I have enjoyed every single trip I've ever made since I was little. San Antonio, Mazatlán and Cancún with my parents and brothers. Then my DC and New York with my friend Ana, also the tesis trip to Texas with my friends. My honeymoon was one of the most memorable trips ever... we had so much fun in Orlando and then the cruise. I enjoyed visiting my sister in law in Missouri and my brother in law in Barcelona. Every short trip to european cities since we arrived in 2012 has been more than I could ever imagined. Cancun for my brother's wedding was beautiful. Our baby moon to Italy was a dream come true. And this last vacation with my sister and brother in law to Austria and Germany was so much fun. So I just love travelling. I enjoy every single trip as short or long as it is.

10. What is your favorite animal? 
Mmm... I'll have to think this one through, I like butterflies, dolphins, lions, horses, but I think I don't have a favorite. I hate bugs and weird/scary animals.

11.Just for fun, if you could choose your looks, what would you look like? (I would love to have emerald eyes and orange hair)
I don't want to sound pretentious, but I really happen to like how I look. I would want to look as I looked at 21 of course. I think that's when I looked the most beautiful, but I like my eyes, my hair skin, everything. I think I would just prefer curly hair, with long curls, kind of like styled-every morning-by-an-expert-curls...

So, these were her questions, and it was so much fun to answer them.

Now, I'm supposed to tell you 11 random things about me.

1. I can eat quesadillas everyday.
2. I prefer salty junk food such as chips, rather than sweets.
3. I love to smell crayons.
4. I think that if you take your socks off inside the bed sheets, they keep your feet warm during the day. (it makes no sense)
5. I think that to be warm during a very cold winter day, you should dress "funny" without having to match your clothes at all.
6. I have a way to hang clothes when I do laundry. I don't like my husband to hang them differently than I do.
7. I like to eat 'tacos de tuetano' which is a tortilla, with the greasy part that is inside the bone, with lemon and salt. This I only eat when I eat beef stew.
8. I like pink.
9. I haven't used high heels shoes since I moved to Belgium.
10. I like when family or friends call me Marcy.
11. I love to smell, kiss and hug my little boy all the time.

So there you have.

To continue this nice appreciation chain between bloggers, I want to nominate some people who might not know me but I just admire them for what they do.

Sarah, from Repeat Crafter Me. (I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog, you inspire me with all your crochet ideas)

Wendy, from Migrante por Amor (She has amazing stories from people who has decided to live abroad including her own)

Sisy, from Sisy Garza (She is a true inspiration for all of us who are looking ways to achieve a healthier version of ourselves)

Areli, from Maternando y Criando (She is a new writer, but she shares a lot of what I believe about motherhood, breastfeeding, etc. on her facebook page)

Michelle, from Mama Hub (I just came across her blog several days ago, and I loved it, I will try her recipes for my family and the little one soon)

And my questions for you are (and you can answer them either in English or in spanish if you prefer)
1. How did you started blogging? What motivated you?
2. What are your hobbies? Do they have to do something with your blog?
3. When you where little, did you imagine yourself where you are today?
4. If you could only eat 3 things for a month, without gaining any weight, what would you choose to eat?
5. If you win an all-inclusive package for a week to any place you choose, where would it be?
6. What is your favorite cake?
7. What was your favorite movie/cartoon character as a child?
8. What do you want to inspire to your kids? What do you want them to learn from you?
9. Can you tell me 3 things that you are really good for, that you wish other people would know?
10. Who is your favorite Disney Character?
11. If you could chose the time where you would be born, which one would that be? For example for me, it would either be during the pioneer time in the US, or during the 50's also in US (love the dresses, they are just right for my body shape)

Hope to hear from you soon. =D

with love, Marcia

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