6 de diciembre de 2011

Kerstmistmarkt countdown

I have you really abandoned but it is for several reasons...

1st. I don't want to be posting my personal life everyday because it is not the purpose of this blog, so if there is nothing REALLYYYY interesting on my day I won't post it. And I do many things on most of my days, but I don't think you'll be interested in reading them.

2nd. I have no new pictures to upload and besides internet at home (Leuven) is a little bit different from the one we had on Monterrey, and I finished my uploading "cash" two days ago, so I'm waiting it to be refilled in 3 or 4 more days jajaja...

3rd. I haven't traveled or cooked or baked anything AMAZING so I have no new stories to tell... I went to do laundry and grocery shopping but that's no interesting jajaj...

4th. My next post will be about something WONDERFUL!!!: Christmas Markets in Leuven.

I will go everyday to the Christmas Market in Leuven and on the 14th and 15th we are going to Cologne, Germany and also will go to the Christmas Markets there... and I would love to go to the ones in Antwerp and Brussels and mayyyyybe Brugge... but don't know yet... So I will keep you informed of my Christmas adventures this month... (I use the word CHRISTMAS too much, but I LOVE IT!)

JESUS my SAVIOR and LOVE of my LIFE is CELEBRATED this month because we remember his birth and the reason of him coming to the WORLD... to save us from our sins and their consequences. So if that's not enough reason for you to celebrate, I don't know which one would be better than this.

with love, Marcia

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