5 de noviembre de 2011


These are my best friends ever!
I was just writing some of them personal emails and I realize friends like them you can hardly find. They are loyal, true, honest, crazy, lovely people.

We studied together our bachelor degree in Education, at UdeM in Monterrey. We started on August 2002, and ended career on December 2006. This year will be our 5th anniversary of graduating university. But we have been friends since 2003 if I remember correctly.

We started being close friends because we got together for the class representation when we were in 3rd semester. We won the elections and were the education students' board for a year. After that we did our thesis together, celebrated each other birthday, gone for coffee and spend hour talking to each other, organized bachelorette parties, gone to each other wedding, being there when someone has a new job or a new car, and also we have been together through difficult times to, maybe a breakup or a funeral, but are those experiences that makes us closer to each other.

Each of them is different but are those differences which make our group unique and beautiful.
I love you friends. Today, I dedicate this entry to you, because you are important to me no matter how separated by distance we are, I care for you and you will always have an important place in my heart and life. =)

with love, Marcia

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